Autumn in Barbagia

Autumn in Barbagia

Autumn in Barbagia is a enchanting celebration that honors the traditions and culture of the mountainous region of Barbagia in Sardinia. This event, held annually during the fall season, transforms the picturesque villages of Barbagia into a vibrant stage of authentic colors, sounds, and flavors.

Cherries Festival

Cherries Festival

Festival dedicated to the tasting and promotion of local cherry-based products.

Samassi artichokes Festival

Samassi artichokes Festival

Festival dedicated to the tasting and promotion of local products based on artichokes. It lasts from three to four days in Samassi and takes place in March, on a date to be defined year by year.

Torrone Festival

Torrone Festival

Festival dedicated to the tasting of nougat, a traditional product of Tonara. It lasts one day, Easter Monday.

Bread Festival

Bread Festival

Festival dedicated to the tasting of traditional Sardinian bread and other characteristic products.

Su Maimulu

Su Maimulu

Carnival event characterized by dances and re-enactments of ancestral traditions.

Mortu mortu

Mortu mortu

Commemoration of the dead, it is very reminiscent of the Halloween party, more known internationally, since on that day children go around the city asking for gifts from their fellow citizens. The children go around the streets pronouncing phrases typical of the local dialect (<<sòe su mortu mortu!>> and <<peti coccone!>>, for example).

Is Carrus de s'àlinu

Is Carrus de s'àlinu

Religious festival dedicated to St. John the Baptist and characterized by the presence of carts created with wood from alder trees. The festival has remote origins dating back to the 1500s, when the region was invaded by the Moors. In 1584 the village of Pabillonis was attacked by pirates. A part of the local population took refuge along the Frumini bellu river, around which there was a forest of alder trees. According to legend, trying to save their lives, they invoked the help of the Saint. Thus began the celebration of this devotional festival so dear to many Sardinians even today.

Festa del fuoco di Sant'Antonio

Festa del fuoco di Sant'Antonio

Feast in honor of Sant'Antonio Abate during which various bonfires are lit in various places in Sardinia. The bonfires are lit in homage to this Saint, as he is considered the keeper of the fire.



Born in 1250 among the noble classes, it is an equestrian event characterized by processions and a race to the stable which over time has expanded to attract the interest of the entire population. It still continues to be organized annually and is known as one of the most popular knightly competitions in Italy.

Festa di Sancta Maria di Mezo di Aosto

Festa di Sancta Maria di Mezo di Aosto

Celebration in honor of the Virgin Mary characterized by the presence of eight large candlesticks about four meters high, 4 representing the districts, 3 of the corporations and 1 the Municipality - and at the top they carry the candles offered to the Madonna. It is a festival honored for many centuries, it saw a period of interruption starting from 1661, to then be recovered in 1992. Since that year it has returned to being a much felt and eagerly awaited annual festival.



Procession, religious and folk celebrations held in honor of the Virgin Mary for the end of the plague that struck the city in 1652. This festival has been celebrated every year since 1657, on August 14, in Sassari.

Festa di Sant'Efisio

Festa di Sant'Efisio

Procession and religious celebrations held in honor of Sant'Efisio for the end of the plague that struck Sardinia in 1652. This feast has been celebrated every year since 1657, for the duration of four days, from 1 to 4 May, in Cagliari.

La Sagra del Redentore

La Sagra del Redentore

Commemoration of the day when the statue of the Redeemer was erected on Mount Ortobene. One of the largest annual festivals in Sardinia, it includes both moments of prayer and folklore events.

La Cavalcata Sarda

La Cavalcata Sarda

A parade is organized on foot, on horseback or in typical carts (traccas), and also includes moments of local dances and songs. The first parade was organized on April 20, 1899 in honor of Umberto I of Savoy and his wife Margherita of Savoy, over time it has become one of the main festivals celebrated in Sardinia in which groups from all over the region participate, dressed in their traditional clothes.